Hand-researched lists for Influencers

With these lists, you'll be able to:

  • Instantly know companies looking for influencers now
  • Reach out to each company directly
  • Target new audiences
  • Expand your reach and increase your subscriber count
  • Find more opportunities

Top 250 Direct Retailers List

A hand-researched list of the top 250 direct retail brands with validated email addresses

We hand-researched all the data points you'll need, including:

  • Company Name, URL, Email Addresses
  • Press Contact, if Available
  • CEO or Marketing Contact, if Available
  • Direct Links to Influencer or Affiliate Program

Instant Download - $99.00

500+ Online Forums

A hand-researched list of the over 500 active online forums, categorized.

These forums allow you to:

  • Learn Growth Tactics
  • Find New Audiences
  • Build Your Skills
  • Find Talented Collaborators

Instant Download - FREE

150 Swimwear Brands on Instagram

A hand-researched list of 150 top Swimwear Brands on Instagram.

This list allows you to:

  • Directly Sign up for Affiliate Programs
  • Email Directly
  • Monetize Your Instagram

Instant Download - $49.00


These lists will save you weeks of researching and have a positive impact on the business side of creating. They will allow you to focus on building great relationships instead of researching the companies you should be building relationships with."

— Andrew Kamphey, Creator of influence.directory